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SEOUL Executive team


Aileen Chen 

Seoul Foreign School 2024'


I'm Aileen Chen and I'm the president of Seoul Foreign School and Korea's very first Stress Zero. I am really glad to see this club expand globally and I really hope to alleviate the constant pressure we are put under. In Korean, I would describe myself as someone with a life that is 정신없어, which basically means mindlessly messy. As someone who has also struggled with mental health in the past, I hope to ease stress for as many people I can. Feel free to contact me about anything on instagram @aileenxchen! 

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Ethan Cho 

Seoul Foreign School 2024'



I'm Ethan Cho and I'm currently a sophomore at Seoul Foreign School. I really think that Stress Zero is a great opportunity for students to connect all across the word and within schools to alleviate stress. As a part of Student Council my job is already to help students in my grade, and I think working with Stress Zero only made reaching this goal easier. I'm excited to work with Stress Zero now and in the future in order to make the lives of students better as a whole~

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Isabella Dunsby

Seoul Foreign School 2024'


Hi everyone! My name is Jia Dunsby and I’m a sophomore at SFS. I’ve been honored to serve the SZG executive team at SFS, where we strive to alleviate the emotional stress of high school students. Here’s to SZG for its incredible impact on the international school community!

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Teri Shim 

Seoul Foreign School 2023'



Hi! I’m Teri Shim, a current junior at Seoul Foreign School. I think that Stress Zero can really help alleviate, validate, and raise awareness about the mental struggle within our school and around the world. I am excited to work with Stress Zero for this cause!

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Jessica (EunChae) Shin 

Seoul Foreign School 2024'


Hello! My name is Eunchae Jessica Shin and I am a sophomore at Seoul Foreign School. The major reason why Stress Zero is such a great organization is because we constantly strive to spread awareness and alleviate stress about the mental struggles we have as students. I believe that if we did not have Stress Zero to be part of our community, it would have been extremely difficult to talk about these struggles openly and execute activities to reduce stress, anxiety, and other non conversed issues. I am excited to work with other Stress Zero communities around the world.


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