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Japan Executive team

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Purpose: To raise awareness for suicide prevention and mental health in Japan. To move with a purpose and a mentality that acknowledges the existence of mental health issues (21,881 deaths by suicide in Japan in 2022)  within our community and thus spark new conversations that may help peers around us.  While exercising and moving our bodies which is proven to boost blood flow and relieve stress and anxiety, participants can have meaningful conversations on the significance of maintaining a healthy mental health. In turn, this will contribute to fostering an open and safe environment to all who struggle with mental health issues ranging from stress to suicide, communicating that CA encourages students to reach out for support as it is available and accessible within CA. 


Julia (Jialin) Zhu

Canadian Academy 2024'




I'm Julia and I'm the president of Canadian Academy's first ever Mental Health Club which is also partnering with Stress Zero Global. As a Chinese girl living in Japan, and attending an international school my whole life, I was able to see how mental wellness looks like in different countries. In Japan, one of the major causes is the existing stigma around mental health which prevents people who are silently suffering from getting professional help. Being trained in mental health first-aid, I hope to utilize what I have learned to alleviate social and academic pressure for my community. Feel free to reach out to me for any support! 



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